
April 26, 2011 01:59:32
Posted By Trish Hall

Watershed Watch Salmon Society is a member of the Conservation Coalition for the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River.  This federal inquiry was announced by the Prime Minister in November 2009 and is led by Bruce Cohen, a BC supreme court appointed judge since 1987.  The Cohen Commission holds the most power of any previous investigation into salmon.

The sheer amount of information being examined by the Inquiry and contained in the transcripts and exhibits (all posted on the Cohen Commission website) is truly daunting.  In an effort to highlight key pieces of information that have come to light through the hearings to date, Watershed Watch has developed Salmon Leaks.  This series of posts provides highlights of the transcripts, exhibits and key quotes from witnesses for each of the issues examined by the Inquiry to date.  Check back often to keep up to date on the latest information.

Categories: Conservation News

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