Public Open House – Wild Salmon Policy Implementation Plan

Fisheries and Oceans is hosting a Public Open House on the development of a Wild Salmon Policy implementation plan between 6:30 and 8:30 pm in the Gallery Room at UBC Robson Square.
The MCC has expressed concerns with the proposed approach that are detailed in our December 22, 2016 letter to Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Dominic LeBlanc.
Letter to Minster LeBlanc from MCC regarding Wild Salmon Policy
At this session you will have the opportunity to:
1. Learn about highlights of progress on Wild Salmon Policy implementation and DFO’s approach to changing the Wild Salmon Policy and developing an implementation plan.
2. Share your experiences and activities with stewardship and conservation of wild salmon.
Please attend to voice your opinion on changes to the Wild Salmon Policy.
Public Open House
March 16, 2017 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
UBC Robson Square, Gallery Room (1.15), 800 Robson St., Vancouver
Wild Salmon Policy Vancouver Open House March 16, 2017