Discussion Paper on FRIM in South Coast Recreational Fisheries

The MCC has produced a discussion paper titled: Incorporating Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality (FRIM) of Fraser River Spring/Summer 42/52 Chinook in the Estimation of Total Mortalities in Marine Recreational Fisheries (DFO Management Areas 18,19,20,29,121,123).
The intent of this discussion paper is to stimulate conversation and engage with technical experts around the application of guidance provided in Patterson et al. 2017 (Guidance to Derive and Update Fishing-Related Incidental Mortality Rates for Pacific Salmon) in the marine recreational fishery. The goal of this is to provide more robust FRIM and total mortality estimates to inform fisheries management in the context of both salmon recovery and conservation and Southern Resident Killer Whale recovery.
The discussion paper follows the guidance in Patterson et al. 2017 to examine if the potential Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality is currently being underestimated by DFO and the Pacific Salmon Commission. It is focused on Fraser River Spring and Summer 42/52 chinook that are subject to a recreational fishery in the Juan de Fuca, Port Renfrew, Victoria and marine Fraser River areas.
The paper provides strong evidence that the guidance in Patterson et al. 2017, when applied to this fishery, will increase the FRIM and total mortality estimates. This has many important implications.
Fraser Chinook FRIM Discussion Paper_6 March 2019
Patterson, D.A., Robinson, K.A., Raby, G.D., Bass, A.L., Houtman, R., Hinch, S.G., and Cooke, S.J. 2017. Guidance to Derive and Update Fishing-Related Incidental Mortality Rates for Pacific Salmon. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/011. vii + 56 p.
Available online at: https://waves-vagues.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/40602758.pdf