Draft Northern and Southern IFMPs
DFO has released draft Northern and Southern Integrated Fishing and Management Plans for Salmon. Comments are due by April 15th.
DFO has released draft Northern and Southern Integrated Fishing and Management Plans for Salmon. Comments are due by April 15th.
Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality is becoming more widely accepted as an potential significant contributor to Total Mortalities from fisheries. To continue discussion, we looked at Fraser River Spring and Summer 42/52 Chinook in one fishery to examine FRIM and TMs.
In a letter to Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), the MCC Salmon Committee has provided numerous recommendations for consideration in the 2016/17 Integrated Fisheries and Management Plan. The letter regards both North and South Coast salmon IFMPs and details a number of issues that are important for consideration by DFO in the upcoming fishing plan development….
On November 13, 2023, the Pacific Marine Conservation Caucus (MCC) submitted the following letter in response to the draft 2022/2023 Pacific herring Food & Bait and Special Use (FB/SU) commercial fishery plans. In this submission, we reiterate our concern regarding the ongoing loss of herring spawning in the southern Strait of Georgia, with a specific…
Comments on the North and South Coast Integrated Fishing Management Plans for Salmon were due on April 20. We (the MCC Salmon committee) submitted comments on the IFMPs. Our comments cover Chinook, sockeye, coho, pink and chum fisheries management across the province of BC, as well as on catch monitoring and compliance, hatcheries, total mortalities…
MCC Salmon Committee Letter Regarding Late Run Sockeye June 20, 2010 11:03:19 Posted By Trish Hall The MCC Salmon Committee submitted a Letter to Barry Rosenberger regarding pre-season management adjustment applied to late run sockeye to address concerns about opening fisheries prior to establishing a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) using defensible in-season run size estimates. …
Draft Pacific Region Cold-Water Coral and Sponge Conservation Strategy January 20, 2010 03:40:00 Posted By Trish Hall Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is soliciting comments on a draft Pacific Region Cold-water Coral and Sponge Conservation Strategy. A copy is available at http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/oceans/index-eng.htm. The draft strategy is the product of comments and edits received during 2…