MCC submits comments to 2022/23 IFMP for BC salmon fisheries

The salmon subcommittee of the Marine Conservation Caucus has submitted its comments on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Pacific salmon. Our comments fall into the following 12 Areas:

  1. PSSI Evaluation criteria and proposed long-term closures
  2. Southeast Alaskan interceptions of BC Salmon
  3. Southern Resident killer whales
  4. Recreational Chinook Fisheries
    a. Fraser Chinook Management
    b. Skeena and North Coast Chinook Management
  5. Interior Fraser Steelhead
  6. Fraser River sockeye
  7. Fraser River chum
  8. South Coast Inside Recreational chum
  9. IUU Fisheries
  10. Central Coast
  11. North Coast
  12. References

    Download our PDF submission here

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