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MCC submission to the 2023/2024 Salmon IFMP

The salmon subcommittee of the Marine Conservation Caucus submitted its comments on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Pacific salmon. Our comments fall into the following Areas:

0 Defining Recovery and Rebuilding

0.1 Recovery

0.2 Rebuilding

1. Chinook

1.1 Northern BC Chinook

1.1.1 North Coast and Skeena

1.1.2 Central Coast

1.2 Southern BC Chinook

1.2.1 Mark Selective Fisheries

1.2.2  Fraser spring 5-2 Chinook earlier Window Closure

1.2.3 Extended summer 5-2 Chinook Window Closure

1.2.4 IUU Fisheries on the Fraser

1.3 Southern Resident Killer Whales

2 Coho

2.1 Northern BC Coho

2.2 Southern BC Coho

2.2.1 Interior Fraser

3 Chum

3.1 Northern BC Chum

3.1.1 North Coast

3.1.2 Central Coast

3.2 Southern BC Chum

4 Sockeye

4.1 Northern BC Sockeye

4.1.1 Skeena

4.1.2 Central Coast

4.2 Southern BC Sockeye

4.2.1 Fraser .

5 Pink

5.1 Northern BC Pink

5.1.1 North Coast

5.1.2 Central Coast

5.2 Southern BC Pink

6 Additional Considerations

6.1 Catch Monitoring and Transparency

6.2 Alaskan Interception

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