Technical Papers & Briefs
- Update to estimating mortalities on Endangered Fraser Chinook March 2020
- Estimating Total Mortalities on Endangered Fraser Chinook Feb 2020
- Fraser Chinook FRIM Discussion Paper March 2019
- Pacific Marine Conservation Caucus’ Response to MSC Performance Indicators in Canada’s Pacific Halibut Fishery (PDF) September 2007
- Briefing to the Liberal Caucus of BC on the Wild Salmon Policy (PDF) June 2005
- Briefing to DFO on the Integrated Harvest Planning Committee and Cultus sockeye (PDF) June 2005
- Submission on Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) (PDF) March 2005
- Submission on the Wild Salmon Policy (PDF) February 2005
- Briefing to Bryan Williams on Fraser sockeye (PDF) January 2005
- Submission to the Marine Stewardship Council on BC’s halibut fishery (PDF) December 2004
- Briefing to Lynne Yamanaka on Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) (PDF) August 2004
- Briefing to Minister Geoff Regan on MCC issues (PDF) April 2004
- Briefing to Paul Macgillivray on MCC issues (PDF) April 2004
- Briefing to Minister Geoff Regan on the Wild Salmon Policy (PDF) April 2004
- Briefing to the MCC on lingcod (PDF) April 2004
- Briefing to DFO on Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) (PDF) March 2004
- Briefing to the MCC on Fraser sockeye (PDF) March 2004
- Submission on Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) (PDF) October 2003