Nine organizations are represented on a Steering Committee that coordinates the MCC (includes calling meetings, budget, contribution agreement, reviewing of committee structure and participation, and other consultation issues).
Present MCC Steering Committee:
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – BC Chapter
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Living Oceans Society
- Pacific Streamkeepers Federation
- Raincoast Conservation Foundation
- SkeenaWild Conservation Trust
- Steelhead Society of British Columbia
- Watershed Watch Salmon Society
- World Wildlife Fund Canada
MCC Steering Committee Chair
The MCC Steering Committee has a Chair, selected from among the Steering Committee organizations. The Chair is the point contact person for the MCC.
Chair: Jeffery Young, David Suzuki Foundation
MCC Secretariat
The MCC Secretariat provides administrative support to the Steering Committee. The secretariat is:
Raincoast Conservation Foundation