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MCC submission to the 2023/2024 Salmon IFMP

The salmon subcommittee of the Marine Conservation Caucus submitted its comments on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Pacific salmon. Our comments fall into the following Areas: 0 Defining Recovery and Rebuilding 0.1 Recovery 0.2 Rebuilding 1. Chinook 1.1 Northern BC Chinook 1.1.1 North Coast and Skeena 1.1.2 Central Coast 1.2 Southern BC Chinook…

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MCC submission on proposed Mark Selective Chinook Fisheries in 2023

The MCC has submitted its feedback to DFO on the mark selective Chinook fisheries proposed to start in the spring of 2023. Mark Selective Fisheries target “marked” hatchery Chinook that are missing their adipose fin. Many of these fisheries would increase the sport fishery effort at a time when endangered Fraser stream-type Chinook are migrating…

MCC input to draft 2021-22 IFMP for salmon fisheries

The salmon committee of the MCC has submitted its comments on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for salmon. Concerns have been identified for the lack of recovery of at-risk populations that continue to be fished, concerns for proposals that move Canada toward U.S. style fisheries that rely on hatcheries, concerns for mixed-stock ocean fisheries that should move more catch to terminal areas, and concerns for wildlife and ecosystems that depend on wild salmon reaching their natal streams


2020 Salmon IFMP feedback package released

On April 24th DFO released a package including the feedback they received on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plans for Salmon on the north and south coast. The letters include feedback from First Nations, commercial and sport harvest committees and the MCC. The package can be viewed or downloaded below.