Environmental Conditions: State of the Salmon for 2021

DFO’s State of the Salmon Program gave a presentation at the Preliminary Salmon Outlook Meeting on Dec. 17, 2020. It details environmental conditions that will inform salmon returns in 2021. In summary, given broadly similar conditions in recent years it is expected that there will be below average survival for many Fraser stocks, coast-wide declines…


2020 Salmon IFMP feedback package released

On April 24th DFO released a package including the feedback they received on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plans for Salmon on the north and south coast. The letters include feedback from First Nations, commercial and sport harvest committees and the MCC. The package can be viewed or downloaded below.

Proposed Changes for 2020 Chinook Fisheries

On March 2, the DFO sent a letter to stakeholders and First Nations soliciting feedback on proposed management measures for South Coast Chinook. The Department received feedback on the March 2 letter from approximately 15 groups providing recommendations on possible changes to the 2019 Chinook fishery restrictions for the upcoming year, including 9 from First…