Salmon-Net: new online portal of science for salmon
A new online portal was just launched to improve public access to science relevant to salmon management and conservation–Salmon-Net.
Introduction email below:
The primary goal of the website is to showcase recent and emerging science that is relevant to the conservation and management of Pacific salmon via a series of Science Spotlights. These spotlights provide a lay-person summary of the key findings of each paper, as well as access to an original copy. For featured articles that would otherwise be behind journal paywalls, we have paid for open access so that the articles can be more widely available for diverse readers. The initial Spotlights range from the role of beavers as natural engineers of high productivity habitat to the influence of the North Pacific Current on salmon survival at sea. We will continue to roll out new Spotlights over time as new exciting science is published and welcome your suggestions of papers to spotlight. The website also features galleries of pictures and slidesof salmon and their ecosystems.
This portal is part of the Salmon Science Network, a collaborative initiative intended to help connect salmon scientists with each other as well as help link the broader network of salmon managers, conservationists, and stakeholders. With this in mind, we are also organizing a series of workshops and small conferences to focus on particularly salient issues relevant to salmon conservation science. This initiative is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
We are hopeful that you are interested in this initiative and help spread the word. If you are into this kind of thing, please also follow us on twitter at @salmon_net.
Thank you!
Peter Westley, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Daniel Schindler, University of Washington
Jonathan Moore, Simon Fraser University
Visit Salmon-Net here.