Draft Pacific Albacore Tuna IFMP Released
The Dept. Fisheries and Oceans has released its draft Pacific Albacore Tuna Integrated Fishing Management Plan.
Comments are requested by February 15th.
The Dept. Fisheries and Oceans has released its draft Pacific Albacore Tuna Integrated Fishing Management Plan.
Comments are requested by February 15th.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) released its Surveillance Audit Final Report in December 2018 on British Columbia pink, chum and sockeye fisheries. The report covers the clients progress on conditions laid out in the original re-assessment in 2016. BC Salmon. The MCC participated in stakeholder meetings on Oct. 18th in Vancouver with comments and advice…
Climate Change and Disease Impacts Examined at Cohen Inquiry March 11, 2011 08:00:36 Posted By Trish Hall The following media stories cover recent discussions at hearing for the Cohen Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Fraser River sockeye. The impact of climate change and disease have been key areas of focus at the hearings…
MCC Salmon Committee Letter Regarding Late Run Sockeye June 20, 2010 11:03:19 Posted By Trish Hall The MCC Salmon Committee submitted a Letter to Barry Rosenberger regarding pre-season management adjustment applied to late run sockeye to address concerns about opening fisheries prior to establishing a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) using defensible in-season run size estimates. …
Deadline for comments extended until April 9. DFO released a letter detailing their 2020 Fraser River Chinook Management Approach on March 2. Comments are due by March 27th, 2020. This letter is intended to communicate the Department’s approach for developing fisheries management actions to address conservation concerns for Fraser River Chinook over the next year….
The salmon subcommittee of the Marine Conservation Caucus submitted its comments on the draft Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Pacific salmon. Our comments fall into the following Areas: 0 Defining Recovery and Rebuilding 0.1 Recovery 0.2 Rebuilding 1. Chinook 1.1 Northern BC Chinook 1.1.1 North Coast and Skeena 1.1.2 Central Coast 1.2 Southern BC Chinook…
On February 17, the MCC Salmon Sub-Committee of the Marine Conservation Caucus sent a letter to the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coastguard, regarding concerns around expansion of marine recreational fishing in southern BC. Importantly, the Salmon Sub-Committee of the Marine Conservation Caucus believes that there should be no expansion…