Northern and Southern IFMPs for Salmon Released
The draft Northern and Southern Integrated Fisheries Management Plans for Salmon in BC have been released. Comments are due by April 8.
The draft Northern and Southern Integrated Fisheries Management Plans for Salmon in BC have been released. Comments are due by April 8.
Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whale Action Planning process Consultations January 31, 2012 11:45:38 Posted By Trish Hall Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) invites you to participate in consultations on the development of the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whale Action Plan. DFO is interested in your feedback as it develops and prioritizes actions in…
In preparation for development of the 2021-22 Integrated Fisheries Management Plans for Northern and Southern BC, DFO released the Department’s letter on key planning priorities. DFO’s priorities include First Nations FSC fisheries, COSEWIC and SARA processes, the Big Bar landslide, and CSAF demonstration fisheries. For southern BC, priorities are for Southern BC Chinook, Southern Resident…
The Vancouver Sun article Ottawa opens door to fish farm expansion, and applications flood in provides details on the federal government’s plan to open “the door to a major expansion of B.C.’s controversial fish farm sector despite warnings by the 2012 Cohen Commission about the effects of net-based farms on wild salmon.” Watershed Watch Executive…
DFO has released draft Northern and Southern Integrated Fishing and Management Plans for Salmon. Comments are due by April 15th.
Public Presentation: The Ups and Downs of Fraser River Sockeye, 7pm, December 6, 2010 November 15, 2010 12:30:02 Posted By Trish Hall Continuing Studies in Science at Simon Fraser University is pleased to invite you to a free public presentation, “The Ups and Downs of Fraser River Sockeye” on Monday, December 6th, 2010 at 7:00…
Full Story in The Star Vancouver by Wanyee Li April 16, 2019 VANCOUVER—The critically endangered southern resident killer whales may have more chinook salmon to eat this summer, as Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced stricter fishing quotas for British Columbia’s coast on Tuesday. Fisheries and Oceans Canada — often called the Department of Fisheries and…