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MCC submission on proposed Mark Selective Chinook Fisheries in 2023

The MCC has submitted its feedback to DFO on the mark selective Chinook fisheries proposed to start in the spring of 2023. Mark Selective Fisheries target “marked” hatchery Chinook that are missing their adipose fin. Many of these fisheries would increase the sport fishery effort at a time when endangered Fraser stream-type Chinook are migrating…


Press Release: Fisheries minister must stop new fishery that will harm endangered Chinook salmon and killer whales

The MCC, along with First Nations from Vancouver Island, issued a press release on March 2, 2023 calling on DFO to halt its proposed Mark Selective Fisheries on Chinook salmon. The fishery will harm both endangered Chinook and endangered killer whales

COSEWIC Releases new assessments

COSEWIC has released its new assessments for South Coast BC Chinook populations most impacted by hatcheries: four were designated Endangered, three Threatened, and one Special Concern, while one was deemed Not at Risk. Three remote populations were determined to be Data Deficient, and will require additional research before being re-assessed. The two Thompson River steelhead…

Ottawa announces stronger preservation measures for chinook

Globe and Mail, April 16 2019 Story by Brenda Owen Ottawa has announced stronger measures to preserve endangered populations of Fraser River chinook salmon, placing new restrictions on commercial and recreational fishing. Last year, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans aimed to restrict wild chinook harvesting across B.C. by 25 per cent to 35 per…

MCC provides comments on draft 2019/2020 IFMPs for Salmon

The MCC submitted feedback on the draft 2019/2020 Northern and Southern Integrated Fisheries and Management Plans today. The letter details MCC’s recommendations on Fisheries Risk Assessments and Fishery Management and Catch Reporting, Chinook Fisheries and incidental mortality, Interior Fraser Coho, and sockeye, chum and pink fisheries across the province. MCC submission re IFMP development April…

New study suggests migratory Chinook salmon may be at risk from salmon farms

A recently released paper in the journal Facets on Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) in farmed Atlantic and Chinook salmon. The paper suggests that migratory Chinook salmon may be at more than a minimal risk of disease from exposure to high levels of PRV occurring in salmon farms. Title: The same strain of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV-1) is involved in the development…

MCC Submits Advice to DFO for 2018 Salmon IFMP

On April 6th, the MCC submitted an 18-page document containing many recommendations for the 2018/19 north and south coast salmon Integrated Fishing and Management Plans (IFMPs). Our letter discusses issues around Chinook exploitation rates, Interior Fraser Steelhead, Southern Resident Killer Whales, the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework, Fraser River sockeye, Interior Fraser Coho, the Strategic Framework…

MCC sends letter on Chinook and Killer Whale Management

On January 30th, 2018, the MCC sent a letter to Minister Dominic Leblanc detailing our concerns on Chinook salmon management with respect to the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs). The letter included a 12-page report with 4 main recommendations for Chinook and vessel management actions for 2018. These actions are consistent with the ‘immediate’ actions…

DFO Seeks Input into 2018 IFMP Development

On January 9th, DFO released a letter inviting feedback on the Planning Priorities for the 2018 Integrated Fishing and Management Plans for Salmon, Northern and Southern BC. Key topics this year include: COSEWIC and SARA process Skeena River Chinook Skeena and Nass River Chinook Southern Resident Killer Whales Fraser River Chinook Interior Fraser River Steelhead…

Science Based Review of Recovery Actions for Southern Resident Killer Whales

In 2017, DFO released their Action Plan for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales. Later in 2017, another document was released – Southern Resident killer whale: A science-based review of recovery actions for three at-risk whale populations. The Southern Resident Killer Whales are listed as Endangered under the Species at Risk Act. Action Plan: 2017_Effectiveness-of-Recovery-Measures-for-SRKW…