2021 IFMP planning priorities for the MCC salmon committee

In preparation for development of the 2021-22 Integrated Fisheries Management Plans for Northern and Southern BC, DFO released the Department’s letter on key planning priorities.
DFO’s priorities include First Nations FSC fisheries, COSEWIC and SARA processes, the Big Bar landslide, and CSAF demonstration fisheries. For southern BC, priorities are for Southern BC Chinook, Southern Resident Killer Whales, Interior Fraser River Steelhead/Chum Management, Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon, and Southern BC Coho. For Northern BC, DFO priorities are Northern BC Coho and Skeena Chinook.
In January 2021, the MCC Salmon Committee submitted its response to the DFO management priorities. MCC salmon priorities issues include Fraser and other Southern BC Chinook, Southern Resident killer whale fishery management Issues, Interior Fraser Steelhead, Skeena and other north coast Chinook issues, Skeena sockeye, and central coast issues for pink, chum and coho.