Judge overrules minister’s decision to open herring fishery

Vancouver Sun article Judge overrules minister’s decision to open herring fishery states “B.C. First Nations won a major victory Friday when a Federal Court judge granted an injunction blocking the opening this year of a herring fishery on the west coast of Vancouver Island.” See the full article for more details.

Chilliwack Progress: Waste facility location ‘fraught with risk’

by Jennifer Feinberg – Chilliwack Progress The message from the jam-packed meeting was clear. Find another location for the proposed waste recycling plant, far away from the edge of the Fraser River. More than 150 people filled Evergreen Hall Saturday in Chilliwack, spilling out into the hall. They came to hear river conservationist Mark Angelo…

Watershed Watch expresses concern over Government’s decision to expand aquaculture – betraying concerns raised in Cohen Inquiry

The Vancouver Sun article Ottawa opens door to fish farm expansion, and applications flood in provides details on the federal government’s plan to open “the door to a major expansion of B.C.’s controversial fish farm sector despite warnings by the 2012 Cohen Commission about the effects of net-based farms on wild salmon.” Watershed Watch Executive…

Study says sharks/rays globally overfished

Simon Fraser University Public Affairs/Media Relations (PAMR) 778.782.3210 www.sfu.ca/pamr Contact: Nick Dulvy (Coquitlam resident), 778.387.4124 (cell), 778.782.4124 (w), Carol Thorbes, PAMR, 778.782.3035, Photos: http://at.sfu.ca/cNBOjD Study says sharks/rays globally overfished One quarter of the world’s cartilaginous fish, namely sharks and rays, face extinction within the next few decades, according to the first study to…