MCC Salmon Committee Letter Regarding Late Run Sockeye
June 20, 2010 11:03:19
Posted By Trish Hall
The MCC Salmon Committee submitted a Letter to Barry Rosenberger regarding pre-season management adjustment applied to late run sockeye to address concerns about opening fisheries prior to establishing a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) using defensible in-season run size estimates. If a pre-season management adjustment is made, the Committee strongly recommends the use of a precautionary estimate that could adequately account for the potential of a devastatingly low return of late-run sockeye and high en-route mortality. See the full letter for more details. |
June 15, 2010 02:37:23
Posted By Trish Hall
The Stewardship Centre for BC is developing a database of stewardship groups and organizations that are working on marine coastal transboundary issues in the Georgia Basin. Using this list, they hope to distribute some funding that is earmarked for transboundary marine issues. For more information and the full questionnaire see the SCBC letter or contact Kate Hagmeier at. Questionnaires are due by the end of June 2010. |
June 10, 2010 12:46:55
Posted By Trish Hall
Following a 30-day period of comment on the Draft Report for the Canada sablefish fishery, the Certification Body, Moody Marine Ltd., has determined that the Canada sablefish fishery should becertified in accordance with the MSC Standard. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A DETERMINATION, NOT A FINAL CERTIFICATION RESULT. The determination announcement, together with the final assessment report is available at:
There is now a 15 working day period during which a party may lodge a statement of intent to object to the determinations reached. For further information on the objections process, including the grounds upon which an objection can be made, please email . Any intent to file an objection should first be addressed to the email address , and cc’d to Rupert Howes at , by 5pm GMT, 2 July 2010. |