We’re a community
The marine conservation community of British Columbia has another way to have its voice heard—the Marine Conservation Caucus (MCC).
We’re scientists and collaborators
Comprised of nine core conservation groups, the MCC is an officially recognized stakeholder in consultations with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. While the MCC does not replace the activities of any conservation group, it does provide unique opportunities for the NGO sector to work together, share information and voice its concerns at official consultation tables.

Find out more about us
This website provides an overview of the MCC’s background, mandate, structure and activities. We are always looking for ways to increase communication and effectiveness with the broader conservation community and appreciate feedback on how to maximize this role of the MCC, and ensure that marine species and ecosystems are being protected.

Recent letters, reports, and articles
2020 Chinook Management Proposal
On March 2, 2020, Fisheries and Oceans Canada released a letter that intended to communicate their approach for developing fisheries management actions to address conservation…
Clarification – Mortalities of Fraser Chinook in South Coast Rec Fisheries
In a press release and backgrounder sent out on February 5th, 2020, the MCC provided an estimate of total mortalities of endangered and threatened Fraser…
2020 Fraser River Chinook Management Approach
Deadline for comments extended until April 9. DFO released a letter detailing their 2020 Fraser River Chinook Management Approach on March 2. Comments are due…
Draft Northern and Southern IFMPs
DFO has released draft Northern and Southern Integrated Fishing and Management Plans for Salmon. Comments are due by April 15th.
Incorporating Research into Management
Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality is becoming more widely accepted as an potential significant contributor to Total Mortalities from fisheries. To continue discussion, we looked at…
Federal government measures failed to protect endangered Chinook salmon in 2019
Many more endangered Fraser River Chinook salmon were killed in fisheries last year than promised by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Comments to DFO on 2020/21 Pacific herring IFMP
The MCC recommends an intentional transition of Pacific herring management toward an ecosystem-based fishery through lowering the harvest rate and implementing control points to maintain…
MCC Comments on 2020 Herring IFMP
The MCC recently submitted comments on the 2019/2020 Pacific Herring Integrated Fisheries and Management Plan, recommending considerations towards a “low risk” ecosystem based management fishery.…
MCC Letter to Prime Minister
On November 12, 2019, the salmon committee of the MCC submitted a letter to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau detailing Pacific mandate priorities. Key components…
Pacific Salmon: Responses to Changing Climate and Habitats
On August 22nd, the DFO released a new report examining broad scale trends in Pacific salmon. They found that species that spend more time in…
MCC’s Recommendations for Monitoring in SC Rec Fisheries
The MCC Salmon Subcommittee has released a letter to Fisheries and Oceans Canada with recommendations for monitoring in SC recreational fisheries. In summary, with management…
Fisheries Department announces conservation measures to protect chinook in B.C.
Full story in the Times Colonist via The Canadian Press April 16, 2019 VANCOUVER — The federal government has announced commercial and recreational fishing restrictions…