Comments to DFO on 2020/21 Pacific herring IFMP

The MCC recommends an intentional transition of Pacific herring management toward an ecosystem-based fishery through lowering the harvest rate and implementing control points to maintain the biomass at a higher level (Healthy Zone). This approach will reduce risk to herring and reliant predators, acknowledge uncertainties in the population structure, and allow fishing opportunities when higher…

MCC Comments on 2020 Herring IFMP

The MCC recently submitted comments on the 2019/2020 Pacific Herring Integrated Fisheries and Management Plan, recommending considerations towards a “low risk” ecosystem based management fishery. The growing public concern reflects a perspective that the fishery imposes too large a risk to herring populations and the associated ecosystem linkages than what is deemed appropriate through the…

MCC Letter to Prime Minister

On November 12, 2019, the salmon committee of the MCC submitted a letter to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau detailing Pacific mandate priorities. Key components of the mandate are detailed below: Review and update DFO management structures and processes to account for unprecedented low returns, increasing climate change impacts, and implementation of First Nations co-management…

Pacific Salmon: Responses to Changing Climate and Habitats

On August 22nd, the DFO released a new report examining broad scale trends in Pacific salmon. They found that species that spend more time in freshwater (chinook, coho, sockeye) are declining more than those that do not (chum, pink), in general. Read the abstract below, or download the full article. Report Abstract: At DFO’s first…

MCC’s Recommendations for Monitoring in SC Rec Fisheries

The MCC Salmon Subcommittee has released a letter to Fisheries and Oceans Canada with recommendations for monitoring in SC recreational fisheries. In summary, with management measures moving to non-retention of chinook in many areas, there are concerns around the Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality (FRIM) still being high and impacting stocks of concern like Fraser River…

Fisheries Department announces conservation measures to protect chinook in B.C.

Full story in the Times Colonist via The Canadian Press April 16, 2019 VANCOUVER — The federal government has announced commercial and recreational fishing restrictions in British Columbia as a way to conserve chinook salmon returning to the Fraser River this season. The Fisheries Department’s regional director general Rebecca Reid says urgent protection measures include…

Chinook fishing restrictions increased in effort to protect B.C.’s southern resident killer whales

Full Story in The Star Vancouver by Wanyee Li April 16, 2019 VANCOUVER—The critically endangered southern resident killer whales may have more chinook salmon to eat this summer, as Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced stricter fishing quotas for British Columbia’s coast on Tuesday. Fisheries and Oceans Canada — often called the Department of Fisheries and…

Ottawa announces stronger preservation measures for chinook

Globe and Mail, April 16 2019 Story by Brenda Owen Ottawa has announced stronger measures to preserve endangered populations of Fraser River chinook salmon, placing new restrictions on commercial and recreational fishing. Last year, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans aimed to restrict wild chinook harvesting across B.C. by 25 per cent to 35 per…

Government of Canada takes action to address Fraser River Chinook decline

Today, Fisheries and Oceans Minister the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson announced management actions for 2019 to help address the decline in Fraser River chinook salmon. Fisheries and Oceans has released a news release and backgrounder on the issue. Fisheries management measures for the 2019 fishing season will include: Commercial fishing: Commercial troll fisheries for Chinook will…

MCC Sends Letter to Minister Wilkinson re:Fraser River Chinook Management

On April 15th, the MCC Salmon Subcommittee sent a letter to the Honourable Jonathon Wilkinson, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, detailing measures required to protect endangered, threatened and at risk Fraser River chinook salmon. Background: In 2018, COSEWIC identified seven populations of Fraser Chinook salmon as endangered, four as threatened and one as special concern….

MCC provides comments on draft 2019/2020 IFMPs for Salmon

The MCC submitted feedback on the draft 2019/2020 Northern and Southern Integrated Fisheries and Management Plans today. The letter details MCC’s recommendations on Fisheries Risk Assessments and Fishery Management and Catch Reporting, Chinook Fisheries and incidental mortality, Interior Fraser Coho, and sockeye, chum and pink fisheries across the province. MCC submission re IFMP development April…

Alaska MSC Re-Certification Final Report Released

The MSC released its Final Report and Determination today on the Alaskan Salmon Fishery. The Final Report and Determination provides information on the re-certification process and sets out the results of the recent assessment of the Alaskan Salmon Fishery. This is the fourth full assessment of the fishery and the first re-assessment of the Prince…

Discussion Paper on FRIM in South Coast Recreational Fisheries

The MCC has produced a discussion paper titled: Incorporating Fisheries Related Incidental Mortality (FRIM) of Fraser River Spring/Summer 42/52 Chinook in the Estimation of Total Mortalities in Marine Recreational Fisheries (DFO Management Areas 18,19,20,29,121,123). The intent of this discussion paper is to stimulate conversation and engage with technical experts around the application of guidance provided…